Is it gauche to wear pink before Valentine’s Day?
Things have been quite busy lately, and I’ve missed seeing Knuckle Salad updated. So although I don’t have time this week to share a recipe of my own with you, I do have a few minutes to show you some good stuff I’ve found.
In the course of normal Web browsing, I happen upon a lot of inspiring food photos and recipes. There are so many, it’d be impossible (er, irresponsible?) to try to save and share every single one. To bring some semblance of organization to the effort, I’ve decided that today, I’m just going to show you the pink ones. I chose pink because… well, because I need to choose something, and the color pink was literally the first thing that came to mind. Don’t read too much into it. I happen to be wearing pink today.
Above are nine of my recent most favorite pink dessert recipes, including only the ones that both look lovely and sound scrumptious and fun. Click on each thumbnail to be taken to the wonderful blog where the recipe or tutorial for that item can be found. Bon apetit! (I thought it might be clever to say “bon apepink” instead, but then that just says “ape pink.” Anyway, enjoy.)