Want! (Holiday Edition)
Posts are slow at the moment, because I, like you, just drove full-speed into the cement HOLY CRAP IT’S CHRISTMAS signpost while I was watching the pretty fall colors in the rearview mirror. In the midst of these stupid-busy weeks, I can’t afford to be distracted by thoughts of how cute the condo is going to look once we get our tree up, but I am. And then I’m further distracted by thoughts of how in the hell we’re ever going to get a tree if this blasted rain won’t stop.
These are some (just some) of the items I am coveting intensely at the moment, even whilst being unable to find time enough to buy anyone a present. (Seriously, I’ve bought like two presents. Like two.) Etsy is a dangerous addiction, especially around this time of year, when all the cutest stuff comes available and my credit card is already out anyway. Look! Look at all this stuff I found for my kitchen! And my dining room! And my guests! Crap, but I dunno what I’m going to feed them.
To view more pictures of each item, click the image to go to the Treasury, then select the item. From there, you can also purchase any of them that haven’t already been sold. Sold to, presumably, me.