Munch MadnessMunch Madness 2015

Announcing Munch Madness 2015: Copycat Edition

Knuckle Salad's Munch Madness 2015

Munch Madness 2015: Copycats

Munch Madness is back, and this year, it’s all about copycats—those recipes that capture our imaginations with promises of just-like-the-restaurant(-or-store-bought)-version yumminess, with none of the calories/preservatives/expense/need for pants! These recipes can range from spectacular to spectacularly disappointing, and we have identified 16 of the most Pinterest-popular copycats with a view to finding out if they deserve the thousands of pins and repins they’ve earned. Which ones are amazing? Which are worth trying? And which have merely seduced the pinning public with a believable photo and a too-good-to-be-true caption? With the help of our panel of expert judges, we aim to find out.

At this moment, our Sweet 16 judges are making, tasting and testing the recipes that will vie for the copycat crown. Now’s your chance to fill in a bracket for a prize, before our March 22nd deadline. To keep up with the action after that, consider following either the Knuckle Salad Facebook page or G+ page or subscribing to automatic email updates (see sidebar).

Want to know which recipes will be on the bracket, who’s gonna be judging the Sweet 16, and when each round will begin and end? It’s all listed on the Munch Madness 2015 page. If you’re gonna bookmark something, bookmark that.

See you in a few days, cats and kitties!

Kristina Ackerman

Kristina Ackerman is a busy freelance web designer, living and DIYing with her fella and their little fella in a cute old house in Atlanta, GA, USA.
