About Knuckle Salad
Knuckle Salad finds the fun in making ordinary things awesome, from food to crafts to party hats.
There’s no room for classic foodie snobbery around here. Knuckle Salad encourages you to make your wardrobe a little quirkier, party drinks a little nerdier, everyday recipes a little crazier, and holiday decorations worth talking about. It documents ideas, experiments, and experiences as well as failures and lessons learned. Because there are few more motivating thoughts than “I could do a better job.”
Be honest—it’s probably in your top five sources of inspiration, right?
How does it happen?
Like the stages of grief, the phases of each Knuckle Salad project follow a predictable progression.
- Get an idea.
- Research whether it’s already been done.
- Gather intel and formulate a plan.
- Execute the plan, screw it up, ????, success.
- Make the project one last time to ensure it’s foolproof, and photograph the final specimen (with my Nikon D70).
- Edit the photos, write up the recipe or tutorial, and compose a quick post. Sometimes I draw a picture, too, but not as often as I’d like. I’m pretty lazy.
- Hit publish and wait for validation in the form of comments, tweets and Pinterest posts. Coast on that glory for about a week; start over.
Who…happens it?
My name is Kristina Ackerman. I’m a busy freelancer (art and design) and casual jewelry-maker (comics and stuff I found) in Atlanta, Georgia.
I come from a very short line of cooks and artsy types—if my great-grandmother had been asked to cook her way out, she might still be in that paper bag—and I make it a point to try my hand at anything and everything. I’m also up-to-date on every season of Hell’s Kitchen. So if you’re wondering what qualifies me to have a food blog, now you know: nothing! Like you, I’m merely interested. Maybe you should have a food blog.
I’ve been fortunate enough to be part of the FoodBuzz Tastemaker program, the Atlanta Food Bloggers’ Alliance and the Magic is Science art collective. I also judge the occasional recipe contest at VeryGoodRecipes, contribute now and then to Scene Missing Magazine, and make appearances from time to time on the Imperial Trouble Podcast.[/one_half_last]
Social compass
Twitter: @knuckle_salad
Pinterest: notkristina
YouTube: notkristina
Facebook: facebook.com/knucklesaladblog
Email Kristina via the Contact page with questions, comments, friendly missives, threats, and press inquiries.
More by Kristina:
- No One Has Ever Called Me a Donkey to My Face: Why It’s Safer Not to Audition for Gordon Ramsay, Scene Missing Magazine
Press (a selection)
Other: May, 2013: My Spiked Pieshakes were included in a BuzzFeed staff roundup. It got a “win” badge.
Press notes:
- If you’d like to write about Knuckle Salad, you’re free to use images from the site, as long as they’re properly attributed and each image links back to the specific post it came from.
- If you want to use images from Knuckle Salad editorially with articles that aren’t about Knuckle Salad, or commercially to promote products or services, you must license individual images. For licensing information, please contact Kristina directly.
- To request high-resolution images for print articles or books, please make a list of the filenames of the photos you’d like to print, and submit the list via the Contact page along with your preferred method of receipt (email attachment, FTP, your own shared Dropbox folder, etc.). Kristina will promptly collect them for you and, if necessary, reply with licensing information.
Advertising information:
Knuckle Salad receives steady, targeted traffic, largely comprised of creatives—nerds, crafters, Pinterest addicts, avid cooks, and so on. If you’re interested in an advertising relationship, contact Kristina for traffic metrics and other details.
If you’d like to offer a giveaway to Knuckle Salad’s readers, that option is also available for a small fee. Contact Kristina to discuss.