Imperial Salad
Well, that’s it. I’ve done a guest appearance. I’m pretty sure that means I can bill myself as an expert now. On…something. TBD.
I am chuffed to report that the gentlemen of the Imperial Trouble podcast, Jason and Sam, have made me the very first guest on their sci-fi-entertainment show. This illustrious invitation was primarily based on the fact that one time I made up some awesome Doctor Who cocktails, bolstered by the fact that I’m crazy about Sherlock, the main topic of discussion. So I spent an evening with them at their studio, shooting the breeze, and only realized afterward that I didn’t provide much of a counterpoint. Instead of “Episode 4,” perhaps they should consider calling this one, “In Praise of Steven Moffatt.”
Nonetheless, it turned out to be a funny episode, I think, and at the end, you can hear Sam and Jason perform a taste test of both Sonic Screwdrivers. Before you make some of your own, if you want to know what the drinks sound like when they’re being tasted, Imperial Trouble is your one-stop shop.
So do us all a favor and check out Imperial Trouble Episode 4. If you haven’t heard Imperial Trouble yet, but you’re into science fiction, I think you’re going to like it. Every Wednesday, they put out a great half hour of half serious discussion. (But obviously this is the best half hour yet.)