Craft RoundupsFeatures

Happy Draw A Bird Day

Today is Draw A Bird Day (really)!

It goes all the way back to the ’40s, so as far as I’m concerned, that easily places it in the top 10 most legitimate holidays. It’s pretty great: the whole thing is that you draw a bird, then post it alongside everyone else’s other bird drawings for the enjoyment of all. That’s clearly a better premise for celebrating than most holidays can claim (smell you later, Columbus Day).

Now, if there’s one thing I learned in art school—and frankly I have often doubted that there was—it’s that “drawing” can mean almost anything. Painting is drawing. Cutting shapes out of paper is drawing. Sticking sesame seeds on a hard-boiled egg is drawing.

I’m sure you’re beginning to see where my doubts originate.

At any rate, take a moment today to at least draw a little birdie shape on a Post-It and stick it to the wall. And then take another moment to enjoy the bird drawings of others! Here are some that I found.

DABD-joojooBird's nest cookiesAngry Birds craftAbigail Glassenberg's birdsDABD-Stephanie RyanDABD-bentoDABD-browniepopsDABD-laurenalaneDABD-lunashineshine


Left to right:

  1. Beautiful bird drawings by joojoo on Etsy
  2. Bake 3D bird’s nest cookies from
  3. Learn to make your own Angry Birds out of paper towel rolls at
  4. Some beautiful soft birds, sewn from patterns in Abigail Glassenberg’s book
  5. Stephanie Ryan’s lovely watercolors
  6. Cute hard-boiled egg bento bird from
  7. Brownie-pop bluebird tutorial from
  8. Flipping adorable cake topper by Lauren Alane
  9. Adorable porcelain bird necklace, $16 from lunashineshine on Etsy

Note: If you’re wondering where my bird drawing is, now that I’ve preached to you about how you’d better do one, you may as well know that I haven’t done it yet. But here, by the way of participation, are some bird drawings from my art portfolio.

Of Course I Trust You by Kristina AckermanBobbin' Along by Kristina AckermanBirdnose by Kristina AckermanRobin and the Small-Tree by Kristina AckermanArium by Kristina AckermanBluebird Loves by Kristina Ackerman

Kristina Ackerman

Kristina Ackerman is a busy freelance web designer, living and DIYing with her fella and their little fella in a cute old house in Atlanta, GA, USA.
